
Timothy Gan

This is Tim. Tim loves to teach math. Tim seeks to improve his teaching incessantly! Help Tim by telling him how he can do better.

Hope you find our articles enjoyable and have a great time learning math! 😁

2022 NJC Promo Q6

2022 NJC Promo Q6 (i) Use the substitution $x=mtan t$ to find $int{frac{1}{sqrt{{{m}^{2}}+{{x}^{2}}}}text{d}x}$, where $m$ is a positive constant and $0le t<frac{pi }{2}$. [4] (ii) Find $int{frac{x}{sqrt{{{m}^{2}}+{{x}^{2}}}}text{d}x}$. [2] (iii) Hence,

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2018 TJC Promo Q5

2018 TJC Promo Q5 (b) Without using a graphing calculator, show that $int_{0}^{1}{frac{{{x}^{3}}}{1+{{x}^{2}}}}text{ d}x=kleft( 1-ln 2 right)$, where $k$ is a real number to be determined. [3] Hence find $int_{0}^{1}{{{x}^{2}}{{tan

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2022 HCI Promo Q8

2022 HCI Promo Q8 (a) Find $int{3t{{tan }^{-1}}left( 3t right)text{d}t}$. [4] (b) Using the substitution $u={{x}^{2}}+1$, show that $int_{0}^{sqrt{7}}{{{x}^{3}}{{left( {{x}^{2}}+1 right)}^{frac{1}{3}}}text{d}x}$ can be expressed as $frac{1}{2}int_{a}^{b}{{{u}^{frac{4}{3}}}-{{u}^{frac{1}{3}}}}text{ d}u$, where $a$ and

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2022 EJC Promo Q6

2022 EJC Promo Q6 (a) Find $int{x{{text{e}}^{3{{x}^{2}}+1}}}text{d}x$. [1] (b) Find $int{{{sin }^{2}}left( 5x right)},text{d}x$. [3] (c) Find $int{frac{x}{4{{x}^{2}}-4x+17}},text{d}x$. [5] Suggested Video Solutions Suggested Handwritten Solutions (a) (b) (c) (a) (b)

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2021 ASRJC P2 Q5

2021 ASRJC P2 Q5 It is given that $R$ is the region bounded by the $x$-axis, the $y$-axis, the line $x=1$ and the curve $y={{x}^{2}}+1$.The area of $R$ can be

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2021 YIJC P1 Q1

2021 YIJC P1 Q1 (a) The diagram shows part of the graph of $y=ln x$ with $n$ rectangles of equal width, where $n$ is a positive integer. (i) Show that

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2022 HCI Promo Q9

2022 HCI Promo Q9 (i) The diagram shows a sketch of the curve ${{C}_{1}}$ with equation $text{f}left( x right)=x{{text{e}}^{{{x}^{2}}}}$ for $0le xle 1$.The region under ${{C}_{1}}$ is given by $A$.

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2022 DHS Promo Q2

2022 DHS Promo Q2 (a) Given that $text{f}$ is a continuous and increasing function, explain, with an aid of a sketch, why the value of  $underset{nto infty }{mathop{lim }},frac{2}{n}left[ text{f}left(

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2021 RI P1 Q8

2021 RI P1 Q8 (i) The curve $G$ has equation $y=frac{1}{1+{{x}^{2}}}$. Sketch the graph of $G$, stating the equation(s) of any asymptote(s) and the coordinates of any turning point(s). [2]

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2021 TMJC P1 Q3

2021 TMJC P1 Q3 Two curves ${{C}_{1}}$ and ${{C}_{2}}$ have equations $y=-sqrt{left( 1-frac{{{left( x-2 right)}^{2}}}{4} right)}$ and $y=-frac{1}{4}{{x}^{2}}$ respectively. (i) Sketch ${{C}_{1}}$ and ${{C}_{2}}$ on the same diagram, stating the

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