Learning mathematics at a higher level, especially GCE A-Level H2 math or O-Level A Math requires educators who are passionate about the subjects and familiar with the current MOE syllabus.
We are educators who are well prepared for every lesson, equipping ourselves with different tools and teaching pedagogies to help math students learn better.
Our whole lesson package consists of checkpoint tests, online videos, lesson materials, modelling software and well-structured lessons.
We give out conceptual tests to gauge students’ understanding and address their misconceptions.
Our math tutors meticulously mark students’ work by following the requirements of the MOE syllabus, this would help students to gain the proper feedback in their learning.
We use research-proven techniques to teach by chunking down the subject content into bite-sized pieces. We find that it has been proven to be optimal for the learning and retention of knowledge.
Other than that, we firmly believe in subject specialisation. In our centre, the tutors devote their fullest attention to the subject they are teaching, be it IP math, O Level A Math, O Level E Math or JC H2 Mathematics.
Our math tutors are also equipped with years of teaching experience in both public and private education sectors and constantly meet up to share and improve our teaching pedagogies and best practices.
Students like our classes as we do not hesitate to answer their queries during or after lessons via personal consultations, WhatsApp or online video solutions.
Our tutors are firm believers in developing a growth mindset when it comes to learning mathematics. Students are encouraged to try and fail until they succeed in our lessons: ‘there is no success without failing’ is the bedrock of our teaching pedagogy.
With this approach at our centre, we hope that the taste of success will intrinsically motivate students to do better in Mathematics.