Solved by

Timothy Gan

This is Tim. Tim loves to teach math. Tim seeks to improve his teaching incessantly! Help Tim by telling him how he can do better.
2020 DHS Promo Q3

Functions $\text{f}$ and $\text{g}$ are defined by

$\text{f}:x\mapsto {{x}^{2}}+cx+d,x\in \mathbb{R},$ where $c$ and $d$ are constants,

 $\text{g}:x\mapsto \ln x,x\in \mathbb{R},x>0$.


Given that the composite function $\text{gf}$ exists, find an inequality involving $c$ and $d$.


For the rest of the question, take $c=2,d=4$.


Write down an expression for $\text{gf}\left( x \right)$ and find exactly the range of $\text{gf}$.



The graph of a function $\text{h}$ is symmetrical about the line $x=k$ if $\text{h}\left( x+k \right)=\text{h}\left( -x+k \right)$ for all valid values of $x$. Using this definition, show that the graph of $\text{gf}$ is symmetrical about the line $x=-1$.


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2020 DHS Promo Q3
2020 DHS Promo Q3
2020 DHS Promo Q3
2020 DHS Promo Q3
2020 DHS Promo Q3
2020 DHS Promo Q3

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Published: 7th November 2022

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