5 Ways To Make Learning Math Fun For Your Kids

Written by
Timothy Gan

Learning math can be intimidating. Just thinking about the subject may dredge up our memories of tedious math sums to practice and numbers to process. However, helping hands are already in place such as being under the tutelage of an experienced tutor, such as for additional math and H2 math tuition.

In fact, tutoring takes care of the practice that your child needs – but how else can we bring the element of fun into this subject? As a parent, you can do both bonding and teaching at the same time!

So, read on for the various ways to lighten the load of anxiety associated with math and make learning math fun for your child.

Go outdoors for a math trail

Bringing the classroom outdoors is one of the best ways to engage your child in learning math. It’s as simple as going on a hunt for possible places you and your child can apply numbers and concepts learnt in school gives it a scavenger hunt vibe. It could also boost your child’s interest in the subject if they can get out in the open air rather than sitting at the desk solving math problems all day.

In fact, applications of math in nature can be as simple as the circumference of a circular pond. You could even work your way to finding the Fibonacci sequence in the shells of snails and sunflower petals! The possibilities are endless as math and numbers come hand in hand with nature.

“Gamify” math

Math brain teasers and video games are not just a family bonding activity but also a way to make the subject more enjoyable as you learn together. Doing math problems is the traditional way of learning, but why is it not working? It’s dull, repetitive, and is sure to lose your child’s interest in the subject over time.

“Gamification” is a term referring to the application of game elements in non-game contexts. In our case, this would come in the form of math video games. “Gamification” has been shown to increase motivation levels, no matter the subject. Doing puzzles such as sudoku or a math-based battle game like Prodigy can stimulate your child’s development and even renew their love for math.

Bring your child grocery shopping

Shopping may seem like a mindless activity; all you need to do is choose a product, bring it to the cashier and pay, right? Simple. What if we introduce a budget and give specific instructions to find the products that we need? Even some of us might get stumped at the calculations involved.

Additional factors such as budgeting and discount items can make your child think of how to use our knowledge of math and apply it when shopping. Mental sums and calculations done on the spot can increase your child’s speed and ability to do math problems without using a calculator.

In addition, when we bring math into our daily lives, we would see the impact of numbers and the importance of math.

Show your child the importance of a piggy bank

Cultivating the habit of saving is a great way to get your child started on financial literacy. If not taught, many children will tend to spend their allowance on what catches their eye.

Saving up for a rainy day teaches them the value of money and allow them to adopt better spending habits. Money and currency can also be a great way to showcase math applications in real life.

Have a family baking bash

Recipes are a fun way to learn some basic math. Some recipes may produce results that are either too much or too little for your family. One great way to practice math in the kitchen would be getting your child to try doubling or halving your recipe for you, then using those exact measurements for baking and seeing how it turns out.

If it fails, they will also learn the importance of accuracy when it comes to measurements. Either way, it’s a guaranteed way of learning!


Math may not be everyone’s favourite subject. The easiest way to improve your child’s standing in math would be to turn to tutoring – be it JC or IP math tuition, depending on the current level of study they’re in. With these tips, math will not just be your child’s best subject but also their favourite! Family support in the form of the above activities can help make learning math together engaging and enjoyable.

IP Maths Tuition, IP Maths Tuition Singapore
Published: 25th March 2022
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