4 Tips For Better Sleep

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As a student, I often struggled with managing a healthy and better sleep schedule and didn’t prioritise my sleep, which sometimes made school days feel even longer and more challenging. I’ve learned that getting enough quality sleep is not just about feeling rested; it’s about giving your body and mind the time they need to recharge and be at their best.

From setting a regular bedtime to watching what you eat and drink before hitting the pillow, there are several straightforward steps you can take to improve your sleep. Let’s dive into some practical tips that I wish I had known earlier.

Craft a Perfect Routine for Better Sleep

Getting good sleep is super important when you’re a student. One of the best ways to do this is to stick to a regular sleep schedule. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Your body loves this kind of routine, and it helps you sleep better.

Also, having a cool bedtime routine can really help. Whether it’s reading a book, listening to chill music, or even taking a warm bath, doing these relaxing things before bed tells your body, ‘Hey, it’s time to wind down.’ When you make these habits a part of your nightly ritual, you’re setting yourself up for a night of awesome sleep so you can wake up fresh and ready to tackle the day!

better sleep 4 Tips For Better Sleep

Create a Comfortable Space 

Making your bedroom a great place to sleep is key. Ensure your room is quiet, dark, and a bit cool, because that’s how most people sleep best. You might want to use thick curtains or an eye mask if your room gets too much light, and consider earplugs if it’s noisy. Having a comfortable bed also makes a big difference. Another important thing is to put away your phone, tablet, or computer before bed. The blue light from screens can make your brain think it’s still daytime and keep you awake. So, turning off these devices about an hour before you go to sleep can help you fall asleep faster and get a better night’s rest.

Diet and Exercise 

Being smart about what you eat and drink before bedtime is important for getting good sleep. Try to avoid big meals, caffeine, like in coffee or soda, and sugary snacks close to bedtime because they can keep you awake. Instead, choose something light if you’re a bit hungry.

Also, being active during the day can help you sleep better at night. Regular exercise, like walking, biking, or playing sports, can make it easier for you to fall asleep and improve the quality of your sleep. Just remember not to exercise too close to bedtime, as it might make you too energised to sleep right away.

Deliberate Naps

Taking naps can be a great way to recharge, especially after a long day of school. But it’s important to keep them short and sweet. Try to limit your naps to about 20-30 minutes. This way, you get a quick energy boost without falling into a deep sleep, which can make you feel groggy afterward. Also, napping too late in the day or for too long can make it harder to fall asleep at night. So, if you do take a nap, aim to do it earlier in the day and keep it brief. This helps make sure your nap helps you more than it hurts your nighttime sleep schedule.

better sleep 4 Tips For Better Sleep


In conclusion, mastering the art of getting good sleep is a game-changer for any student. Remember, prioritising your sleep is prioritising your health, focus, and overall well-being. Sleep is not just a break from your busy schedule—it’s an essential part of performing at your best.

Published: 7th March 2024
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