The Impact That Regular Exercise Has On Our Studies

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As a student who wasn’t exactly a fan of PE classes, and  – especially in JC where we were already overwhelmed with work – I used to brush off the importance of regular exercise. Back then, the thought of spending my precious free time running laps or doing push-ups seemed less than appealing. But now, after graduation, I’ve come to realise just how vital those sessions were.

Brain boost

Regular exercise does more than just improve physical health; it significantly boosts brain function. During physical activity, your heart rate increases, leading to enhanced blood flow throughout the body, including the brain. This increase in blood flow supplies the brain with additional oxygen and vital nutrients, essential for optimal cognitive performance. As a result, students who maintain a fitness routine often find themselves more alert, focused, and capable of processing information efficiently during classes and study sessions. In essence, integrating regular exercise into your routine is not just about keeping fit; it’s a strategic way to sharpen your mind and enhance your academic performance.

Reduce stress

Engaging in physical activity is a powerful strategy for students to alleviate stress, a common companion in the journey of academic life filled with exams and deadlines. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, natural chemicals that act as stress-fighters, elevating mood and bringing a sense of calm. This biological response to exercise can significantly reduce feelings of anxiety and tension. As you navigate through the demands of their studies, incorporating regular physical activity into your routine can be an effective way to manage stress levels, and enable you to approach your academic responsibilities with a clearer, more focused perspective.

Better sleep 

Now it may come as a shock, but regular exercise can be a big win for your sleep! When you’re physically active during the day, you’ll often find it easier to drift off to sleep at night. But it’s not just about falling asleep quickly; exercise can actually make your sleep deeper and more restful too. That’s crucial because good sleep lets your body rest and repair itself, and it keeps your mind sharp for school. So, when you make time for a workout, you’re not just building muscles; you’re setting the stage for better sleep, which helps you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the next day.

The Impact That Regular Exercise Has On Our Studies


So really, making exercise a regular part of your life isn’t just about staying in shape; it’s a smart move for nailing your studies and feeling great while you’re at it!

Published: 7th March 2024
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