5 Tips to Help You Achieve A Better Grade in Additional Mathematics.

Written by
Timothy Gan

“A Math is so difficult!” is probably one of the common phrases you will hear amongst Upper Secondary school students. Additional Mathematics, also colloquially known as “A math”, is one of the subjects offered to Secondary 3 students to further their interest and deepen their understanding of Mathematics. Does it have to be so difficult and complicated? Is it possible for it to be a breeze?

Mathematics is a universal language, and it provides a way for us to understand and predict natural phenomena with a great degree of accuracy. In this age of uncertainty, mathematics is more valuable than ever before.

“Trying to solve a problem is very powerful for establishing relevance, and getting kids excited about what they’re working on and having the knowledge stick.”

Elon Musk

In Singapore, one of the most important steps to crafting effective mathematical syllabi is to differentiate the scope of mathematics for students of varying interests and abilities. The syllabi have to be crafted based on the ability of each student and also the relevance for future jobs.

Here are some of the ways to help you cope with this subject.Ā 

additional math 5 Tips to Help You Achieve A Better Grade in Additional Mathematics.

1. Allocate more time to practice Additional Mathematics

Unlike math in lower secondary, Elementary Math (E Math) and Additional Math (A Math) are 2 different subjects. In examinations, each subject has 2 papers to sit for and thatā€™s 4 different papers for both E and A Math.

By opting to take A math, you are required to take E math as a subject too. Thus, youā€™ll need to be prepared to put in double the work, including time spent on tuition classes. This is because these courses are closely related. There are no shortcuts or tricks to getting good grades for both subjects.

2. It is good to have a headstart

Several major changes happen when students transition from lower secondary school to upper secondary. For example, streaming, choosing the right electives, more commitment at CCA, and etc.

In mathematics, if you have opted for A Math, there are changes too in terms of the academic rigour due to the separation of E Math and A Math’s syllabi.

It is no secret that to do well in mathematics one has to master the concepts and apply them to problems through practice. However, different students learn and grasp concepts at different paces. Moreover, there are many reasons why students struggle with math. Thus, to be prepared for what you will learn in school, it is imperative that you start learning mathematics now and seize the opportunity and get into the game early

At Tim Gan Math Learning Centre, Mr Sam offers revision and headstart courses to prepare you for Secondary 3 A Math / IP3 Math.

3. Clarify any misconceptions from Lower Secondary Math

Sec1/2 (IP1/2) Math serves to lay the foundations for higher levels of learning. Core concepts like algebra and quadratic equations are crucial to be mastered, as more complex applications of the techniques will be used in upper secondary levels. Any misconceptions, especially undetected ones, will become a stumbling block that will need to be addressed first.

When school term starts and the pace picks up, you may not have the luxury of time to discover the errors in thinking and correct them one by one. At Tim Gan Math Learning Centre, our A Math Tuition Classes taught by Mr Sam are aimed at detecting these misunderstandings and correcting them.

4. Beware of the snowball effect

A Math has several major and big topics that combine several skill sets or techniques. These topics cannot be allowed to snowball, because they may one day grow to be too much to unpack. This is because the interconnectedness amongst the A math topics is significant. The lack of understanding will cause a chain effect with subsequent topics as well.

Make sure to keep up and stay in touch with these major topics even if you have already learnt them. Many students adopt the “learn and forget till exams come” approach which is really detrimental to the learning progress.

At our tuition centre, you will have ample opportunities for practice, and conceptual checkpoints to make sure that you understand the important concepts. Our curriculum is structured in a way that we have a constant feedback loop that keeps students on their toes.

5. Seek help promptly when you need it

If you find yourself struggling either to understand A Math concepts or to apply them in assignments and tests, do not hesitate to seek proper help. Receiving the right help at the right time improves both your understanding as well as confidence in the subject.

As regular students at Tim Gan Math Learning Centre, learning is continuous. You will enjoy access to Mr Sam for a WhatsApp consultation throughout the week for the timeliest help with your schoolwork. Apart from that, we have a student learning account that contains thousands of questions with video solutions for you to learn at any time!


A Math can seem daunting at the start and you may feel alone on this journey. Don’t hesitate to get help when needed. With the best learning resources and quality educators, we will guide you through!

Join our A Maths Tuition Class today!

Published: 6th February 2024
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