2021 ASRJC P2 Q5

Solved by

Timothy Gan

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2021 ASRJC P2 Q5

It is given that $R$ is the region bounded by the $x$-axis, the $y$-axis, the line $x=1$ and the curve $y={{x}^{2}}+1$.
The area of $R$ can be estimated by calculating the sum of the areas of trapeziums with equal widths. The diagram below (not drawn to scale) shows an example of two such trapeziums.

[Area of trapezium $=\frac{1}{2}\times $ sum of parallel sides $\times $ height]

2021 ASRJC P2 Q5


Find the total area of the trapeziums shown in the diagram.


To better estimate the area of $R$, $n$ trapeziums of equal width are drawn.


State the length of the shorter side of the ${{k}^{\text{th}}}$ trapezium for $1\le k\le n$. Hence show that its area is given by 

$\frac{{{\left( k-1 \right)}^{2}}+{{k}^{2}}}{2{{n}^{3}}}+\frac{1}{n}$ units$^{2}$.


The sum of the areas of the n trapeziums is given as $A$ units$^{2}$.


Find $A$, giving your answers in terms of $n$.


[You may use $\sum\limits_{r=1}^{n}{{{r}^{2}}=\frac{n\left( n+1 \right)\left( 2n+1 \right)}{6}}$]


State whether $A$ is an overestimate or an underestimate of the area of region $R$.



Use your answer in part (iii) to find the exact area for region $R$.


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Published: 4th September 2023

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